Introductory Flight. Before investing time and money into your new found recreational activity or your exciting new career path you might want to make sure flying is right for you. Schedule an Introductory flight, come out to the airport, see the aircraft, talk to the instructors, and envision how your training would take place. There’s no commitment, and your introductory flight can count as your first lesson!

Transportation Security Administration. Before any formal flight training can be conducted towards a certification or rating, the TSA requires that flight schools verify citizenship. The only two approved methods to comply with this requirement is for the client to present us;
1. A current U.S. Passport or,
2. An original Birth Certificate with a Photo ID
If the client is not a U.S. Citizen, but is a legal resident, we may conduct flight training once we have approval through the TSA’s AFSP. This program requires the client to submit fingerprints and has a cost associated, but does allow for Eagle Sport to provide flight instruction to this market.
Medical Certificate. If you are pursuing a Private Pilot Certificate (or higher) you will need to contact an AME and make an appoint for at least a Third Class Medical certificate. You will need to fill out a MedExpress Application and remember to have the application number with you when you arrive to your appointment. Check the Eagle Sport website Resources page for recommendations on local AMEs. If you are pursuing flying only under the light sport rules a Medical Certificate is not required, only a drivers license is needed for medical qualification.

Flight School Program and Paperwork. We need the client to complete the following;
1. Purchase the appropriate program for the most affordable and effective option to accomplish your goals- Private Pilot or Sport Pilot. Or you may pay as you go. A comprehensive list of our course offerings can be found on our Courses page.
2. Establish a Flight Circle Account- this is our scheduling and billing system. Update all user and payment information.
3. Sign Rental Agreement, Program Agreement (if selecting “All Inclusive Programs”), and Social Media Release.
4. Be assigned a primary Flight Instructor and plan out your program with them.
5. Submit a student pilot certificate application with your instructor (Photo ID required).
Ground School Course and Training Materials. The client will need pass a computer-based knowledge test prior to their final check ride. We recommend passing the knowledge test as soon as possible. These tests can be taken at a local testing site, which are listed on the Eagle Sport website. Kings Schools have home-study courses for just about every pilot certification. This computer/tablet style learning gives our clients great flexibility in when and where they can conduct their ground school. When they have concluded the course they will get a printable completion certificate. The client will need take the certificate to the testing center. The ground school also correlates to the flight Syllabus reinforcing the flight lessons. Materials and Courses are included with our “All Inclusive Programs”, found here.

Make this training a priority! Plan on your training to be equivalent to taking nine college credit hours for a 4 month semester. Expect to schedule at least two flying sessions per week. A fully dedicated student (flying four to five days per week) can complete the Private Pilot course in less than two months. Ready to dive in? Please see Pricing Page for rates. Contact us and let's get you started!